The compound is the main constituent of the membrane. It gives the waterproofing properties and during the production is used to cover the reinforcement to obtain the final product.
The main constituents of the compound are: bitumen - polymers - filler.
The compound is prepared in the Mixers which are agitated vessels where the dissolution process of the polymers into the bitumen and the dispersion of the filler takes place. From these mixers the compound is trasnferred to other storage mixers, and finally to the production line, where it is used to impregnate the reinforcement to produce the membrane.
Compound Mixer net size
10 m³
Holding Tank net size
19 m³
Average Production of APP Compound
10 m³/h
Average Production of SBS Compound
10 m³/h
Loading Lift Hopper Maximum Load
500 l
Maximum SBS and Powder Loader Capacity
50 l/min
Loading Cycle Time
45 s
Filler Loading Capacity
6 T/h
Maximum achievable density
1,5 T/m³
MEMBRANE:to better understand the membrane types, we consider the upper and lower surface during the production and not laden on a roof. For example, producing slate membrane the granules are on the top both on roof than in production; producing black membrane, film is on the upper side and sand on the lower, opposite on a roof.
Upper Surface Finishing:
Smooth PE or TNT
Embossed PE or TNT
Granules or slate
Lower Surface Finishing:
Winder Outlet:
Winding wise
Both directions
Pull capacity
1960 N
Winding torque
48 Nm
Outlet (10 mt. roll length)
6,6 rolls per minute
Length Accuracy
± 5 mm
Slashing Machine Outlet:
Minimum Slash Roller Width
14 cm
Maximum Cycle per Roll
70 s